In the spring of 2016, I arrived at Punos from the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in which I was studying engineering in the field of information technology. I was a bit nervous about the level of tasks assigned to me and if I could properly manage them when I was just starting out. In the end, a variety of different tasks were assigned to me and even though there was some quite challenging work there, help was always to be had and every obstacle was cleared!
In-house Software and International Consulting Projects
During my training, I was able to take a closer look at the company’s own software products, such as the Meeting Assistant mobile app for effective salespeople. In addition to this, I was able to immediately join in a global project in which I was creating a product together with an Australian consulting agency for a local client.
My skills advanced by a huge margin during my training about which I am thankful to Punos. I utilized a variety of techniques, including HTML, Java, JavaScript, and CSS.
In general, I would say that my internship was great in regards to the absence of boredom and the monotone clacking of a keyboard. Instead, I got to do some real work.
From an Intern into an Employee with Responsible Projects
After the internship ended, together we decided to continue my contract and I have been working for Punos since then. I got to be in an interesting and challenging Android project for a local customer company straight from the start. In the project, we created an Android app from square one and I was given a whole bunch of responsibility with my role in the team.
I was encouraged with my studies from the very beginning and this meant completing my studies as I worked part-time. For yours truly, flexibility worked as a great motivator for completing my studies as soon as possible. My studies were supported by different work projects and also in regards to my thesis.
So What’s It Like Working at Punos?
There has been a great variety of projects at Punos. Some of them involve working on the customer premises while some are mostly done remotely from our office. I have usually worked in the office for my projects.
In my work, I have been able to work in many different environments with a variety of techniques, something that is always beneficial for your learning process. People at Punos encourage us to learn new techniques alongside our work.
Here, we have the newest hardware, such as VR glasses, Alexa/Echo, Leap 3D driver, Raspberry Pi and Arduino that one can tinker with and experiment with new ideas. By the way, this is exactly what Punos aims to do: unleash your inner creativity!
All in all, it has been a pleasure working at Punos. We have a nice, relaxed atmosphere and a skillful group of people that I can count on to support me in front of a challenge. We also make sure to take it easy, from time to time. In fact, we have a ‘movie room’ at the office with a video projector, game consoles, and other cool stuff.
Juhani Lammi
Software Developer